Employees, third parties, and in general all stakeholders who have relationships or carry out activities with COLORIFICIO PAULIN S.P.A. can report to the company: - detailed reports of illicit conduct, based on precise and consistent facts, of which they have become aware in the performance of their functions or in their relationships with the Company; - actions, behaviors, or events that may lead to the commission of illicit acts, or the violation of norms, regulations, and other legal provisions or instructions of the competent Authorities; - any other violation of company procedures or regulations For the transmission of reports, it is possible to: 1. send a letter via mail addressed to the "Internal Whistleblowing Channel Manager" at the address of COLORIFICIO PAULIN S.P.A. indicating "CONFIDENTIAL"; in this case, to ensure confidentiality, the report must be enclosed in a sealed first envelope contained in a second envelope containing the identifying data of the reporter along with a photocopy of their identification document; 2. use the internal reporting channel "Whistleblowing" which allows the transmission of reports with the guarantee of confidentiality regarding the identity of the reporter and is managed through a platform independent of the company's computer systems (https://colorificiopaulin.segnalazioni.net). The Reporter is also guaranteed an external reporting channel managed by the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC), to which they can resort when the internal reporting channel has not been followed up, when there are reasonable grounds to believe that there may be a risk of retaliation, or when there may be an imminent and blatant danger to public interest.