Home - Issues and Solutions - Outdoor Solutions - How to antiquing a homogeneous paint or coating with a siloxane glaze
Anti-aging surfaces that are already painted or still rough is an ever-present problem. The short time available to the decorator and the lack of specialized personnel capable of preparing products suitable for individual construction sites often becomes a weakness. SILOX VEL siloxane glazing is the solution to all these problems.
The glazing technique allows the decorator to obtain different and always new results because the final appearance is linked to several factors: 1. the dilution of the product 2. the creativity of the decorator 3. the type of substrate - smooth or rustic - more or less regular - more or less absorbent 4. all’ finishing tool: brush, sponge, sponge trowel, glove.
1. Normally the glazing with a brush works best on a background finished with a brush or roller such as INFINITY 406 QUARZ, acrylic quartz water-based paint, anti-algae, anti-mold, based on micronized aggregates. 2. On a perfectly dry and cured surface, apply SILOX VEL with a brush, transpiring, water-repellent veiled finish, resistant to the growth of mold and algae, based on siloxanes in aqueous emulsion, diluted up to a maximum of 25 # 37, crossing with a wet film up to to obtain the desired effect.
1. Sponge glazing can normally be performed on both smooth and rustic backgrounds. 2. Success can be obtained by applying a brush coat of SILK PF523 white, a mineral uniforming agent based on modified silicates, as a primer. 3. On a perfectly dry and cured surface, apply SILOX VEL with a brush, transpiring, water-repellent veiled finish, resistant to mold and algae growth, based on siloxanes in aqueous emulsion, diluted up to a maximum of 25 # 37, finished with marine sponge in a circular or buffered way with wet film until the desired effect is obtained.
1. Glazing with a sponge trowel gives a good result on preferably rustic or civil substrates based on silicates / siloxanes / acrylics or lime. 2. A good result can be obtained by applying a layer of “ SEVEN” uniforming filler with civil finish, based on elastosiloxane resins, finished with a sponge float. 3. On a perfectly dry and cured surface, apply SILOX VEL with a brush, transpiring, water-repellent veiled finish, resistant to mold and algae growth, based on siloxanes in aqueous emulsion, diluted up to a maximum of 25 # 37, finished with a trowel sponge in a circular or buffered way with wet film until the desired effect is obtained.
1. Glazing with a sponge glove gives good aesthetic results both on smooth substrates (for example INFINITY 406 QUARZ quartz acrylic wall paint), and on troweled substrates (for example SILOX COAT 100 siloxane anti-mold wall coating with smoothed effect) or SANO COAT 100 2. On a perfectly dry and cured surface, apply SILOX VEL with a brush, transpiring, water-repellent sheer finish, resistant to mold and algae growth, based on siloxanes in aqueous emulsion, diluted up to a maximum of 25 # 37, finished with a glove. of sponge in a circular way or buffered with wet film until the desired effect is obtained.